Refund Policy

Due to the digital nature of the Kickstart program, payments are non-refundable for the Kickstart program once you have been issued with your PDF tracker.

Payments are non-refundable for change of mind if you simply choose to withdraw from the Living for Life program. Should a medical condition be disclosed in the initial clinical assessment that prevents you from undertaking a weight-loss/weight management program with Coastal Weight Management, and medical approval/clearance from your treating doctor can not be granted, a refund, less and administration fee of $75 will be issued within 30 days of receipt of correspondence from your treating doctor.

You may withdraw from the program on medical grounds with written confirmation from your treating medical doctor that by continuing with a personalised, healthy weight management plan, your health would be adversely affected. A pro-rata refund, less an administration fee of $75, will be issued within 30 days of receipt of correspondence from your treating doctor.